Want to write for vacation rental travels?
Vacation Rental Travels is a publication that organizes free accommodation at their featured properties around the world in return for travel stories.
Vacation Rental Travels is a publication that organizes free accommodation at their featured properties around the world in return for travel stories.
It can seem easier to stay doing what you’re doing. But taking the leap to become a travel writer is a life changing experience with many rewards.
Sometimes you, the writer, are the biggest distraction in your story. Here’s how to avoid using “I” in writing–and ultimately get that article published.
Even a beginner writer can land gigs with airline magazines. You just need to follow the right steps. Read on for how Mark did it…
Getting your by-line into inflight magazines is easier than you think. And, with a clip from an inflight, you’ll have no problems landing more writing gigs
You need to write an editor and ask for one. And if you have a firm article assignment, then it’s perfectly natural for you to do so. You simply get in touch with your editor and say something like: “Hello, Jim, I’m working on that article we discussed — on non-Disney travel in Northern Florida — and I wonder if you might write me a quick letter of assignment to flash around to PR folks and whatnot? Thank you.”
As a new writer you may wonder what is a fam trip… Here’s what you need to know to get yourself accepted on one and position yourself for more invites.
If you’d like to become a travel writer this year, watch this video about 12 successful writers and learn how to join them…
If you’re wondering why your article isn’t selling, maybe you’re missing this critical step. When you write an article, you need to include a nut graph…
Want to know the secret of how to write a catchy lead? Kyle Wagner and Jen Stevens share an important rule of thumb on how to do this…