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Stock Photographer Lise Gagne’s Story: From Photography as a Hobby to a Six-Figure Career

Today, Lise Gagne makes a nice six-figure income from royalties on pictures she sells through and she’s their number-one seller. If you’re thinking about making the jump from wherever you are today to stock photographer, read her story below. It’s not about what others think you can and can’t do. It’s about putting yourself out there and just doing it.

What I Like Most about Stock Photography for Beginners

Online stock photo agencies are a great way of breaking into photography because you don’t need a lot of images to get started. You can shoot and upload as often or as little as you want. You never have to meet a photo buyer face-to-face or negotiate fees. And it’s a lot of fun to practice at home and improve your photography — all the while earning royalties from previous sales. Bonnie shares more advantages to selling to stock sites in this article…