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Tips for selling your photos

A few months back, we talked about why certain photos just don’t sell as stock. You can read that issue here. I bet if you look through your photos right now you have many that could potentially sell as stock. But the trick is knowing which ones to submit to stock agencies… and which ones […]

How Stock Photography Works

The beautiful thing about stock photography is that it’s something anyone can do, regardless of experience. Whether you are just starting out or have been using your camera for years, stock photography is open to you. However, if you don’t understand the lingo, signing up as a contributor at a stock site for the first […]

Tips for taking selfies that sell

Last week, stock photographer Danny Warren told us about the “adventure selfies” he takes to sell as stock. See a few of them here. If you have a tripod, I highly recommend taking selfies for stock. ESPECIALLY if you’re a member of the “Baby Boomer” crowd. Photos of people in the “boomer” age range sell […]