Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Fall themed stock photo of a little girl at Halloween

Your Fall Stock Photo Checklist

Fall is here, and its arrival brings loads of new and lucrative stock photo subjects. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of these lovely fall days before they disappear: Photograph the festivities. Apple pressing, hayrides, Halloween costumes, pumpkin carving – all of these fun activities make perfect material for stock photography! […]

From Lawyer To Full-Time Travel Photographer—A Rewarding Journey To A Steady Source Of Income

“How we spend our days… is how we spend our lives.” — Annie Dillard Before I was a full-time travel photographer, I used to be a lawyer—a government lawyer to be precise. Back then, my former attorney colleagues and I used to joke that there were three kinds of closing arguments you could make to a […]