Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Santa Cruz Trek near Huaraz, Peru

The Cordillera Blanca Mountains are what trekking is all about. Beautiful views, friendly natives, and the optional comforts of guides, porters, and cooks make trekking these mountains a delight all around. Get a day-by-day peek into what you’ll find in one of the few places on earth with such natural, unspoiled landscape …

Shopping in Cancun: No Hablo Ingles

Looking to stay on budget while vacationing in Cancun, Mexico, we went grocery shopping at the “mega-mart” downtown. I found all the usual food that I was accustomed to, but soon realized that this was a store where you had to bring your own bags for your groceries. No big deal. I’ll just buy some bags … Then it hit me. We were the only Caucasians in the store …

Low Cost Laguna Beach: Five Secrets the Locals Won’t Tell You

Laguna Beach.  What’s not to like?  Pristine white sandy beaches.  Alluring hidden coves.  Tide pools begging for exploration and cliff-hugging Heisler Park. A touch of the Mediterranean on the Southern California coast. While the Laguna sunsets are free, this upscale town IS pricey.  If you don’t want to blow your budget, taste the good life at a fraction of the cost with these five local secrets …