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Endless Summers Begin Here: Macao Surf Club, Dominican Republic

Learning to surf makes golf seem simple. If you have ever played golf, you know that this is a very strong statement. Kids make it look easy. But anyone who did not grow up surfing will attest to how difficult it can be to balance yourself on a long, slippery piece of fiberglass as it slides down the face of a wave. If you did not learn to surf in your youth, I suggest you take lessons. A gentle beach like Macao in the eastern Dominican Republic is the perfect place for you to begin your endless summer.

Five Reasons to Visit Málaga

Long seen as simply a transport hub for tourists heading to destinations and resorts along Spain’s Costa del Sol, the southern Andalusian city of Málaga has, in the past, been unkindly referred to as an “airport with a city attached.” This is a real shame as Spain’s sixth largest city has plenty to offer anyone looking for an alternative to the more popular Spanish destinations of Barcelona, Madrid, or Seville. Here are five reasons to consider a visit.

Big Changes in Cable Beach, Bahamas

The evolution of Cable Beach has all eyes on it as what was once called The Bahamian Riviera transforms itself and regains its former allure. The multi-billion-dollar BahaMar project is being built to outshine neighboring mega-resort Atlantis on nearby Paradise Island. The new five-star project will feature several luxury hotels, ownership opportunities, Rodeo Drive shopping, a professional golf course, and the largest casino in the Caribbean.

Easy-Going Antibes

Antibes is bathed in the intense, luminous quality of light which attracted painters to the Riviera whose names read like an artistic roll call in Who’s Who: Picasso, Matisse, Renoir, Signac, and Chagall established themselves in the region, while Claude Monet was a frequent visitor. The area attracted many writers, too, including Graham Greene, who spent the last years of his life in Antibes, and F. Scott Fitzgerald, who set Tender Is The Night here.

The Oregon Coast – Where to Go, Stay, and Shoot: A Mini Guide for Travel Photography Enthusiasts

The Oregon Coast is one of the most beautiful stretches of beach in the world and a dream vacation for photographers. Crashing waves, seabirds and seals, beautiful beaches, rock formations — and that’s just the beginning of what you will see. In fact, the biggest problem is figuring out where to go, where to stay, and what to shoot, because there are so many choices it’s hard to know where to begin.

Earn a Canadian Badge of Honor at Quebec City’s Hotel de Glace

Throughout the day, the Hotel de Glace, located 10 minutes from downtown Quebec City, hosts throngs of tourists who come to tour the icy rooms and admire the beauty of this amazing place. Sculpted completely from snow and ice, this unique hotel is created each winter and demolished again each spring. This year’s theme of Myths and Legends from Around the World includes a 600-pound ice chandelier, an ice chapel where weddings are held, and an indoor ice slide. Many will enjoy cocktails in the “ice bar” where colorful drinks are served in glasses made from translucent blocks of ice.

Yogyakarta: Five Cheap Thrills in the Gateway to Central Java

Surrounded by tall volcanoes, stunning rice terraces, and white sandy beaches, Yogyakarta is so much more than the already world famous Borobudur and Prambanan ancient temples. The province is about to be rediscovered as word of mouth spreads in traveling circles, particularly among the more adventurous backpackers. Yogyakarta is witnessing a refreshing change in tourism as young and old backpackers penetrate deeper and deeper into the delights of Java off the beaten tracks.

Hummer Jungle Tour (No Ordinary Vacation Activity)

After checking in and getting the rules of the road, you are on your way — driving your Hummer, with three or four additional adventures ahead. The first stop is El Ray (The King), an archeological park of ancient Mayan ruins. Entering the park you gaze out over the vast green expanse of what was once a well-organized small city, now in ruin. Sauntering through the ruins you find a “city hall,” temple, and bakery. Quietly listening, you can almost hear the ancient echoes of children playing, merchants calling out to those passing by, and priests making offerings to their gods. Or is it just the wind blowing through the crumbling columns?

7 “Must Do” Things on Your Visit to Isla Mujeres (Part Two)

Isla Mujeres. That little gem off the coast of Cancun lying peacefully in the Caribbean Sea, waving you over to experience her magic…Ultimately what you’ve discovered is that although the sights and activities are all incredibly illuminating and rewarding, the magic of Isla is her people. For without people who are genuine, giving, friendly, and engaging, there can be no magic.

A Tour of North Bali with Suta Tour Company

South Bali has become very crowded with locals and tourists. After spending a few days or a week in South Bali, you’ll need to get away from its bustling shops and congested streets. North Bali offers an ideal, quiet retreat, plus the opportunity to get to know the locals better. Here’s a daylong tour of North Bali that takes in two very different freshwater swimming pools; the distinctive Pura Meduwe Karang Temple; Singaraja, the former capital of Bali; and the island’s largest Buddhist Temple, Brahma Vihara Ashrama.