Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Thomas Reissmann, globe-trotting professional videographer, initially studied Tourism Management in the UK and Australia. He then spent some years working in the tourism industry as a marketing executive, traveling to South America, New Zealand and the UK. He finally found his passion about 10 years ago, when he started producing promotional videos for tourism companies. That’s when he realized he could go freelance and use videos to finance dream vacations - and he quit his day job.

Since then, Tom lived a few years in Australia traveling and producing travel videos, and spent months getting paid to film the wildlife in Tanzania and Kenya and hike Kilimanjaro. Today, he travels the continent of Europe with a luxury Mobile Home and shoots videos in the summer. He then goes to his home in the Canary Islands, where it’s warm and sunny all year round, to edit all his footage and spend his evenings and weekends surfing. And that’s when he isn’t leading overseas expeditions and workshops for Great Escape Publishing.

In his own words:

Hate: City traffic, cold and rainy days, bureaucracy, old cars that keep breaking down.
Best adventure: Getting lost in the Amazon - for 21 days!
I’m happiest when: Catching a wave on my surf board.
My tip: If you do what you love, you will never have to work a day in your life.
Best thing I ever did:: Quit my job and start earning my own money with travel videos.

Shoot Travel Videos: How I Earned $28,000 From A Single Trip

I had always wanted to visit Fraser Island in Queensland, Australia. It’s a beautiful tropical island with miles of stunning shoreline, gorgeous green lakes surrounded by white-sand beaches, rainforest areas, natural rock pool formations, and even a shipwreck.  Since I was living in Melbourne, a three-hour plane ride away, I contacted several tour and resort […]

3 Reasons To Launch Yourself As A Travel Videographer In Your Hometown

When I say “travel videographer”, you probably start thinking about travel to faraway places. And while traveling abroad might be your ultimate goal, you should know that there’s beauty, culture, and more business opportunities than one person can take on right at your doorstep.  I’ve lived in several countries in the world including England, Germany, […]