Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Margot Bigg writes on travel and music for publications around the world. She's the author of Moon Living Abroad in India, Moon Taj Mahal, Delhi & Jaipur, and Moon Spotlight Delhi, and is a co-author of Fodor's Essential India. She has spent much of her life overseas, most recently in India where she worked as an editor at Time Out Magazine. Her stories have appeared in National Geographic Traveller India, Rolling Stone India, Sunset Magazine, Robb Report, Business Traveller, The Oregonian, The Times of India, Yahoo Travel, and Courrier International.

Why Savvy Travel Writers Should Start Experimenting With Video

Most marketing experts agree that video is the future of online content. Don’t worry—this doesn’t mean that writing and still photography are going away anytime soon; people love reading and gazing at beautiful images. However, it does mean that savvy travel writers and photographers would be wise to start experimenting with video.  Now, there’s no need to […]

How To Write A Travel Article Pitch That Commands An Editor’s Attention

In the early days of my travel-writing career, I worked as a magazine editor. My duties encompassed everything from writing, commissioning, and editing stories to making sure our page proofs got to the printers on time. In addition, a big part of my day-to-day involved reading query letters and submissions from freelance writers, many of […]