Lori Allen is the Director of Great Escape Publishing, which publishes nearly thirty home-study programs, including The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Program, Turn Your Pictures into Cash, Importing Fortunes and Leading Tours for Fun & Profit.
Lori is also the Editor of The Right Way to Travel, which features articles geared to help writers and photographers improve their skill, sell their work, and earn an income through travel.
Over the past twelve years, Lori Allen has worked personally with more than 3,000 budding travel writers and photographers to help them meet those same goals – to hone their writing and photography skills and to better market themselves to prospective clients and editors.
The word for butt in Swahili is: Tako. And we certainly saw lots of these on this photo tour. There’s not much you can do to get a great animal shot when they’re walking away from you. But whenever an animal or a person is walking across your field of vision, you can use that […]
In Tanzania, most of the roads were designed by elephants. They were the original Tanzanian bulldozer. Man simply followed the paths they created. I just got back from doing one of my favorite things… in my favorite place on Earth – taking a photo safari in Tanzania with a bunch of photographers out for adventure. […]
Unfortunately “the ugly American” is an expression for a reason… We’ve all seen the U.S. traveler who thinks that that yelling loudly in English at a non-English speaker will somehow translate into magical comprehension. But it never does, does it? There’s a better way, and not just a better way to communicate when you travel, […]
Maybe you’ve tried one of the expensive language-learning programs that take you through confusing conjugations and endless repetitions – only to give up after a few weeks. Or, perhaps you “took a language” in high school or college, and all you can remember now is how to say “hello” and “where is the library?” I […]
I’ve talked before about how cool it would be to be able to chat with – or even understand – the Swahili-speaking guides with us at our photo expedition in Tanzania. But speaking the native language has benefits that go way beyond being able to communicate with locals. Sure, it’s amazing to be able to […]
Good news! It turns out that you can teach an old dog new tricks – especially when it comes to learning a second (or third, or fourth) language. You’ve probably always heard that adults have a much harder time learning a second language than children do. But according to recent studies from language learning experts […]
I’ve cried at least three times in the last four months… The first was sitting atop the red sand dunes in Namibia. The beauty was overwhelming. I felt blessed but undeserving and wished someone was with me to feel what I was feeling. The second time was over something horrific. My daughter had an anaphylactic […]
Editors are busy. If you want to sell your travel articles and photos, you’ve got to stand out right away. One quick way to capture their attention is to use an old copywriting trick called “The 4 U’s.” They are: Unique, Useful, Urgent, and Ultra-specific. Together these elements will help you craft a strong travel […]
In Swahili, it’s Jambo. In Thailand, I’d say Sawasdee Ka because I’m a woman (Sawasdee Krab if I were a man). And in Vietnam, it’s Xin chào. These simple words open doors around the world and can instantly transform your photos. They all mean hello, and a nice “hello” goes a long way when you’re […]
There’s something really special about traveling around the world with people who share the same interests. We always have something to talk about, we laugh hard, and sometimes it’s those memories that end up being our favorite part of the trip. Last year in Tanzania, for example, we got rained in one night and ended […]