Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Jennifer Stevens is the author of The Ultimate Travel Writer's Program and architect of Great Escape Publishing’s annual Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop. The Executive Editor of International Living, Jen has gallivanted through 27 countries in Latin America, the Caribbean, Europe, Africa, and Asia, writing about the best locales for overseas travel, retirement, and investment. She has decades of experience in both writing and publishing travel articles.

In past incarnations, she lived in Paris and wrote market research reports for the Foreign Commercial Service - and she spent two years as a Peace Corps volunteer on a spit of sand between Madagascar and Mozambique. She makes her home in the Colorado Rockies where, with her husband, she corrals three boys, a cat, and a dog (the toads, mercifully, finally met their end).

Editor Reveals: Make Your Articles Stand Out By Following The Untourist Trend

No doubt you’ve noticed it. It’s hard to avoid this “go where the mainstream isn’t” trend in travel coverage—and you shouldn’t try. In fact, if you’re looking for a smart way to cast an article for an editor today, think about following the untourist trend. In popular destinations like Venice, Italy, for instance, over-tourism is […]

Editor Reveals: How To Successfully Target Your Story To A Publication

Publications are like puzzles, built of specific pieces which come together in a particular way to create a cohesive whole. Every week or month—or whatever the frequency of the publishing schedule is—the editorial team sits down and starts to put their “puzzle” together. They know they’ll need a piece with a certain shape to fit […]