Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Bonnie is the Creative Director for Great Escape Publishing, a regular contributor to The Right Way to Travel, and creator of the Breakfast Stock Club, which helps folks to get up-and-running selling their photos in online stock photo agencies. She got her first travel articles and photos published after attending the Ultimate Travel Writer's Workshop six summers ago in her hometown of Portland, Oregon. Before joining Great Escape Publishing, she taught English in the South of France and vagabonded through South America and South East Asia, dutifully testing all of the local foods and massage techniques. Favorite travel tip: Don't book a hotel room when you can rent an apartment! It tends to be cheaper, offers more room, and lets you live like a local, with a kitchen and living area. Recently, some friends and I found a cute apartment right in the middle of Paris with a balcony for half the price we would have paid for a hotel room in the city. I like to use or to book.

Trendy vs. Timeless Stock Photos

When it comes to creating stock photos, there’s basically two schools of thought: Trendy vs. Timeless. The first approach is to keep on top of popular trends in the advertising world; to create photos that look modern and current. Shots like these: Photos that feature the newest technology, hottest gadgets, and distinct styles are likely […]

6 Tips For Taking Headshot Photos (That Will Earn You More Cash)

Has this happened to you, yet? Your friends hear you talking about photography… they “like” your photos on Facebook… and suddenly you’re the “friend with a camera.” Which inevitably leads to… “Can you take photos of my wedding/family reunion/house for sale/dog/high school grad?” I like to call it the “Friend with a Camera” phenomenon that […]

Summer Sprints Round Up

Thanks to everyone who got into our Summer Sprints over the past three months. We got some amazing submissions! Let’s take a look back at some of the fantastic photos we saw from Breakfast Stock Club Premium members this summer… Simplicity, Story, & Fun Simple images are visually powerful because the viewer is instantly drawn […]

Fall themed stock photo of a little girl at Halloween

Your Fall Stock Photo Checklist

Fall is here, and its arrival brings loads of new and lucrative stock photo subjects. Here are some ideas to help you make the most of these lovely fall days before they disappear: Photograph the festivities. Apple pressing, hayrides, Halloween costumes, pumpkin carving – all of these fun activities make perfect material for stock photography! […]