Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Bonnie is the Creative Director for Great Escape Publishing, a regular contributor to The Right Way to Travel, and creator of the Breakfast Stock Club, which helps folks to get up-and-running selling their photos in online stock photo agencies. She got her first travel articles and photos published after attending the Ultimate Travel Writer's Workshop six summers ago in her hometown of Portland, Oregon. Before joining Great Escape Publishing, she taught English in the South of France and vagabonded through South America and South East Asia, dutifully testing all of the local foods and massage techniques. Favorite travel tip: Don't book a hotel room when you can rent an apartment! It tends to be cheaper, offers more room, and lets you live like a local, with a kitchen and living area. Recently, some friends and I found a cute apartment right in the middle of Paris with a balcony for half the price we would have paid for a hotel room in the city. I like to use or to book.

Photo Scouting Tips

It’s 2018! Today, I’m writing to you from Buenos Aires, Argentina. Jordan and I decided to start the year somewhere new and exciting – so we found an apartment in Buenos Aires and bought a one-way ticket to arrive on New Year’s Eve. Our apartment terrace, where I can’t wait to set up a stock […]

winter photograph stock photography

What To Photograph This Winter

The winter holidays are here! This is one of the most photogenic months of the year, so there couldn’t be a better time to keep your camera nearby and create some fun photographs. The next few weeks are sure to slip away quickly with all the hustle and bustle, so let’s make the most of […]