Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel

Bonnie is the Creative Director for Great Escape Publishing, a regular contributor to The Right Way to Travel, and creator of the Breakfast Stock Club, which helps folks to get up-and-running selling their photos in online stock photo agencies. She got her first travel articles and photos published after attending the Ultimate Travel Writer's Workshop six summers ago in her hometown of Portland, Oregon. Before joining Great Escape Publishing, she taught English in the South of France and vagabonded through South America and South East Asia, dutifully testing all of the local foods and massage techniques. Favorite travel tip: Don't book a hotel room when you can rent an apartment! It tends to be cheaper, offers more room, and lets you live like a local, with a kitchen and living area. Recently, some friends and I found a cute apartment right in the middle of Paris with a balcony for half the price we would have paid for a hotel room in the city. I like to use or to book.

Do You Fear Stock Photo Rejection?

I hope that you’re taking and uploading a ton of new shots during our Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints stock photo challenges! If you’re scared to submit them… or you’re getting some photos rejected, remember… it happens to everyone. Here’s a note I wrote about rejections back in 2015 that still rings true today… =========== […]

How To Get The Shot- And Increase Your Stock Photography Portfolios

Our first round of Breakfast Stock Club’s Summer Sprints Photography Challenge has finished up. Get ready – Round 2 starts this week! I really enjoyed seeing the images that were submitted for the group photo review! Several of them really captured some interesting and powerful moments. This month’s Challenge theme is “Active Lifestyle,” so it’s […]

Summer Fun And Fall Income With Stock Photography

Every week, I hear from Breakfast Stock Club members who are making their first stock photography sales… finding their photos on websites and in print all over the world… watching their skills and income grow… A few even tell me about paying the mortgage with stock photo income… buying a new Harley Davidson… making their first $10,000 in stock photo royalties… And basically […]