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Peer into an Eagle's Nest at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge

By Janette Jones  Established in 1933 as a stopping point for migratory birds following the Atlantic Flyway, Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, just south of Cambridge, MD, currently encompasses more than 27,000 acres of rich tidal marsh, freshwater ponds, and mixed evergreen and deciduous forests.  Recent bird spottings there include Bald Eagles, Snow Geese, Canada Geese, White…

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Heading North — To the Polar Bear

By Barnaby Davies    At 80 degrees north, aboard the Professor Molchanov, nobody spoke. The 25-year-old hull creaked in the ice. Camera shutters whirred. Expedition staff and passengers alike were spellbound. A gargantuan male polar bear stood, flat-footed, only a few feet beneath us on the Norwegian pack-ice. Had I leant just a little further over…

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360 Degrees of Eagles, Islands, and Waves: All Aboard S.V. Shawmanee

By Dawn-Marie HanrahanMy chilled glass of Pinot Grigio carefully set on the starboard rail of the S.V. Shawmanee barely shimmied as the 65-foot ketch silently sliced through Washington’s coastal waters in Bellingham Bay. Designated the “office  photographer” for the August outing, I’d skittered fore and aft capturing each of the 42 mates onboard, and now…

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How Realistic is This, Honestly?

Dear Reader, Jen Stevens here again today as your guest editor. I’m sitting in for Lori, who’s still in Paris. People have been calling all week to register for our upcoming Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Denver. But a handful of skeptical readers, though intrigued by the workshop, have called to ask: How realistic is…

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