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Lugo, Spain's City of Witches and Saints

Every year, from October 4th through 12th, the San Froilán Fiesta lights up Lugo, the capital city of Lugo province in Galicia, the northwest region of Spain. Famous bands perform onstage. Puppeteers and street musicians rim plazas or spill along side streets. Artisans sell handcrafts on blankets. A silver cowboy statue springs to life. A…

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Lost Palace of the Byzantine Emperors

Seraglio Point in Istanbul is dominated by the magnificent, sprawling structures of two of the world’s architectural masterpieces. These are Haghia Sophia, the Byzantine Church of the Holy Wisdom, and the Ottoman Blue Mosque or Sultanahmet Camii. They’re like prize fighters sizing one another up across the park that separates them, champions of two great…

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Victoria: A Rare Opportunity to Experience Royalty at an Affordable Price

Have you ever wanted to partake in an experience where you would be tended to like royalty? Would you like to take a seat at an Edwardian-style tea party where delicately prepared menu choices are served on magnificently painted fine china and staff members provide the utmost in superb personal service?

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Istanbul Stock Photo Shoot List

As I type this issue, the air above the Atlantic Ocean is deep, cobalt blue. That’s pretty much all I can see from my plane window. Our Istanbul Expedition begins on Sunday and I’m SO excited to explore such an ancient, culture-rich city, camera-in-hand, with a group of fellow photo nuts. BUT before the adventure…

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