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Batu Karas: It’s the Destination, Not the Journey

Batu Karas, West Java, isn’t a hard-core surfing destination. But for longboarders, and for beginners, it’s close to heaven. The Point works with just a one-and-a-half-foot swell. Its long, fat waves are ideal for longboarders and unintimidating, fun, and very forgiving for learners. Some say the waves here are “the best beginner waves in the…

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Val Formazza – Italian Alps Summer Escape

Alpine meadows, crystal-clear rivers, and snow-capped peaks greet the summer visitor to the ancient, glacier-carved Val Formazza in the western Italian Alps. During the warmest months of the year, which are usually July and August, Italians migrate to the ocean or higher elevations not only to escape the heat but also the huge throng of…

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Camelot Revisited: Aboard the Presidential Yacht "Honey Fitz"

In contrast to today’s fiberglass mega yachts, the Honey Fitz reflects a restrained, classic day-tripper of dark polished woods and modest proportions…It’s easy to imagine a scenario: a sun-filled cruise on the Potomac with historic figures gathered to discuss subjects of great import… or perhaps another of Caroline and John-John entertaining Kennedy cousins, picnicking around…

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How to Eat Like a Real Palermitano

There is no question for me that when it comes to food Sicily can’t be beaten. The island offers the best of Italian cuisine spiced up with North African and Arabic influences, due to the island’s historical location as an important hub along the Mediterranean trade route. Palermo, Sicily’s capital city, has its own unique…

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