Photography reflector tutorial : watch this video
Getting the light right is critical for a saleable photo. Watch this photography reflector tutorial to find out how to create the best effect with light…
The X, Y, and Z Axis in Photography
When looking to take a saleable photo, it helps to think in terms of the x, y, and z axis lines. Doing this can really make your photo pop…
How to Get an Assignment Letter and Score a Press Trip!
You need to write an editor and ask for one. And if you have a firm article assignment, then it’s perfectly natural for you to do so. You simply get in touch with your editor and say something like: “Hello, Jim, I’m working on that article we discussed — on non-Disney travel in Northern Florida…
What is a fam trip?
As a new writer you may wonder what is a fam trip… Here’s what you need to know to get yourself accepted on one and position yourself for more invites.
Tips for rain storm photography
Rain or cloudy skies give great opportunities to produce dramatic images. Here are some tips to bear in mind for rain storm photography…
Using sun flare photography at sunset
Sun flare photography is a big trend among photo buyers right now. Here are some tips for how to make money from your sunrise and sunset photos…
Who’s buying your stock photos? Here’s how to find out.
Dear Reader, Breakfast Stock Club reader Theresa StJohn wrote in to tell me she’s having a blast selling her photos as stock and then finding them in use. For example, this photo she took of fried clams… Ended up on this stylish blog called And after she snapped a photo of this Irish soda…
How to create the starburst effect in your photos
It’s generally not a good idea to shoot into the sun, but a “starburst effect” can work well in your photos. And there’s a big demand among photo buyers…
Watch this video; become a travel writer
If you’d like to become a travel writer this year, watch this video about 12 successful writers and learn how to join them…
Write an Article that Sells with a Good Nut graph
If you’re wondering why your article isn’t selling, maybe you’re missing this critical step. When you write an article, you need to include a nut graph…
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