Selling stock photos: five popular themes
Selling stock photos is something you can do in very little time…once you decide to get started. Here are five popular themes with today’s photo buyers.
How to take quality hotel photos
Just before you settle into your vacation accommodation is a great time to take stock photos. Here’s a few ideas for how to take quality hotel photos…
Making money with photos: my first two sales
If you want to know the secret to making money with photos, it’s simple: you need to jump that first hurdle and get them out there for people to appreciate.
Where can I sell my photos?
If you’re asking yourself “Where can I sell my photos?” then I’d like to introduce you to these three big markets: stock, editorial, and fine art images. It’s important to understand the differences between them and recognize that many images will sell well to more than one. Although “stock” images technically include all images that…
Five Ways to Spice Up Your Travel Photos
→ Sign up here to get Breakfast Stock Club issues in your in-box once a week! If you’re a regular reader, you know: Iconic photos sell. Yes, cultural icons and recognizable landmarks sell well as stock. But you can — and should — photograph them in creative ways. Set yourself apart. Add your own twist.…
Advice for buying a mirrorless camera
With so many new models on the market, camera-shopping can be a daunting experience. Here’s my advice on buying traditional DSLR vs. mirrorless cameras.
The math: how to earn money from making videos
You can earn money from making videos on your smartphone or regular camera. Here are the basics you’ll need to get started earning as much as $5,000 per video
Rules of Video: 10 Biggest Do’s and Don’ts
Rules were made to be broken, but it’s important to first understand the rules of video photography so you know when you’re breaking them…
How to publish a travel video with travel article
Including a video with your photos and copy can really hel sell your travel article. Here are some tips on how to publish a travel video with your piece…
Why blogs need photos
If your blog posts only have text, you’re probably going to put your readers to sleep. Here are three reasons why blogs need photos.
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