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Man Overboard — How I Survived a Whitewater Rafting Adventure in Colorado’s Royal Gorge

I along with some 45 rafting enthusiasts had gathered at the headquarters of Raft Masters, a whitewater rafting outfit with a fine reputation for safety and service that has been in operation for over 25 years. We were issued wetsuits, splash jackets, and river boots and given a 10-minute safety talk. The talk included paddling…

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The Festive San Francisco Chinese New Year Parade

The parade is a visual display of the richness and diversity of the local and regional Asian culture and community. It’s a family affair with parents and elementary school children costumed and organized into representative groups, all marching proudly and happily carrying their decorated banners identifying themselves for all parade observers.

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Interactive Journey Back in Time: Arlington House Museum, Barbados

Welcome to Arlington House Museum, a uniquely interactive foray into Barbadian life — past and present. Beautifully restored and converted from its original establishment as a prominent ship chandler, the three-story single-gabled structure (classic 17th-century-style Barbadian architecture) boasts engaging virtual displays and interactive exhibits to present the story of Barbados, starting from its geological beginnings.…

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