For Love of Perogies
Who knew perogies came in so many flavors? You can choose meaty varieties like Polish (cheese/potato/bacon) and Cheeseburger (pork/beef/cheese), or vegetarian options like Spinach/Feta/Potato, Sweet Potato, or Mushroom/Sauerkraut.
Creating a Royal Experience on a Budget
Imagine staying in a hotel built for a king, or sleeping where Prince Rainier III of Monaco and his princess Grace Kelly honeymooned. Picture a hotel in a time so regal that celebrities were refused accommodation, considered to be “not the type” for the Ritz.
The Perfect Day in Ridgway, Colorado
Ridgway is a terrific place to spend a day in the San Juan Mountains of Colorado, and one doesn’t have to be an expert climber to do so. Surrounded by the Cimarron and Sneffels mountain ranges, the views will awe as much as the clean, fresh air, but there is so much more to do…
The Perfect Travel Lens
Last week, I went backpacking in a gorgeous spot just south-east of Portland. I’d seen photos of it online, and it looked amazing. But I didn’t want to add another six pounds of camera and lenses to my already-heavy backpack. So I opted for one of my favorite lenses. Really, everyone should have one of…
How to grow an audience to your blog
Pop quiz: What do the following pairs have in common? Comedians Stephen Colbert and Jimmy Fallon. The Beatles and TV host Ed Sullivan. Or more recently, Kenny G and Katy Perry. Any guesses? These artists and entertainers are each famous in their own right. But they occasionally collaborate on projects, either by co-producing songs or…
Start your travel-writing career with small articles
For decades, aspiring travel writers have been using this simple technique to break into travel writing. It’s called writing “Front Of Book” stories, aka FOB’s. An FOB is a very short broad-strokes story that you’ll find in the first few pages of most travel magazines. These “mini-articles” are anywhere between 200 and 500 words and…
The Key to Breaking into Big Magazines is to Write Short Articles
A look at the August edition of Hemispheres magazine, the inflight magazine of United Airlines, reveals a grand total of two feature travel stories and nine short articles. It’s no surprise then that you’re going to have a far better chance getting in with a small piece. And that’s how most of these large magazines…
Where to Find Mexico in Cancun
If you can escape the pull of the colorful tourist markets and the lure of overindulging in “free” alcoholic refreshments at your all-inclusive resort, then head into the town Centro and find the oasis of El Parque de las Palapas.
Tshipise koppie – Where Ancient Giants Meet
Meerkat troops scurrying around, so close I could almost touch them. Enjoying a steaming cup of coffee on the step while monkeys entertained us with their antics. Watching the sun gently kiss the resort like a Prince Charming his Sleeping Beauty. When the sun set later in the day, you could hear lions roaring their…
Don Carlos Restaurante – An Offer You Can’t Refuse
We arrived for dinner to find the front door locked tight, even though the lights were blazing inside. We knocked and waited; the taxi didn’t. Don Carlos himself peered at us through the window, then let us in with a broad smile.
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