Never Get Stuck On What To Write About
If you’re a writer or blogger, you’ve been there—staring at a blank page and blinking cursor, not sure how to start or even what to write about. As a blogger, I’ve faced this many times. But I’ve also developed a couple of strategies that help me forge ahead. It turns out, there are lots of…
6 Tips For Planning A Press Trip As A Blogger
This summer, my husband and I took a two-week road-trip down the Mississippi River’s Great River Road. Along the way, we stayed on a floating bed-and-breakfast, in two penthouse suites, and at a casino resort. We waded through the headwaters of the Mississippi, explored caves, and sang with monks. We cheered on baseball teams, strolled…
8 Low Light Photography Tips To Help Make The Most Of Your DSLR
Did you know your camera can see in the dark? Even when you can’t see much with your own eyes, your camera has the ability to capture an amazing amount of detail in the darkness. So just because the sun has set, it doesn’t mean you have to put your camera away. In fact, low…
4 Reasons To Start A Money-Earning Blog
Mega Millions just hit the biggest jackpot in history—at 1.6 BILLION dollars. But I’ve got something better for you this week. After all… they say people who win the lottery end up miserable. Hounded by businesses, charities, and scammers all looking for a payout, they start to have trouble in their relationships… many even file…
How to Improve Your Writing: Follow Our Easy and Effective Tips
Crafting a story for publication is a lot like cooking a meal for friends: The best outcome involves a strategic combination of following instructions, trusting your gut enough to wing it here and there, and employing a considerable amount in equal parts of patience and perseverance. In the same way that you approach whipping up…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 133: The Success Panel
“To see your name for the first time in print is a thrill.” –Cynthia Notti Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Cynthia Notti who is in Austin, Texas attending the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop as a member of this year’s success panel. Lori talks about the success panel… “This is one…
3 Tips For Taking Great 360-Degree Photos
The market for 360-degree shots as stock is still developing, but I’ve found that it’s a great add-on to existing work that I can use to “upsell” a client which adds to my income. For example, if I’m shooting an assignment and I see a great location for a 360 shot, I’ll get it, and…
Where To Find 360-Degree Photo Buyers
I’m often asked who my ideal 360-degree photo client is. But the truth is that, these days, any business with a physical location can be a great candidate. However, while there are endless possibilities, here are some criteria I’ve found that help identify the very best 360-degree photo buyers: 1. New businesses that have opened…
5 Reasons To Get Started With 360-Degree Photography
When I started out with 360-degree photography, I was excited about offering something new and innovative that could help local businesses. And while 360-degree photography is making its way to the mainstream consciousness, it’s still relatively new for most people. That creates an opportunity for you. Here are my top 5 reasons for getting started…
How Travel Writers Can Make More Money
The biggest myth I hear about travel writing is that it’s impossible to make a living with it. Before I took the nerve-wracking leap from news journalist to freelance food and travel writer, I devoured every book and blog I could find on the subject. They all told me the same thing: that it was…
Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel!
Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.
Sign up today for our free newsletter, The Right Way to Travel, and you’ll learn how to get the most out of every trip – and how to get paid to do it.
Simply enter your name and email address in the form below and you’ll receive your first issue, along with our Three Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel quick-start guide, absolutely free. Inside, you’ll find 3 exciting opportunities for earning extra income while exploring cities around the globe. It’s your first step to a life of fun and freedom.
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