Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel


Improve Photo Quality For Stock By Downsizing

Stock agencies need near-perfect photos, with little-to-no noise, compression, or focus issues. Even the very best photographers encounter all of these issues in their images now and then. The way around it? Downsizing. Now, this doesn’t work on every image. But if one of your photos has very SLIGHT noise, compression, or focus issues… often…

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Why Savvy Travel Writers Should Start Experimenting With Video

Most marketing experts agree that video is the future of online content. Don’t worry—this doesn’t mean that writing and still photography are going away anytime soon; people love reading and gazing at beautiful images. However, it does mean that savvy travel writers and photographers would be wise to start experimenting with video.  Now, there’s no need to…

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Shoot Travel Videos: How I Earned $28,000 From A Single Trip

I had always wanted to visit Fraser Island in Queensland, Australia. It’s a beautiful tropical island with miles of stunning shoreline, gorgeous green lakes surrounded by white-sand beaches, rainforest areas, natural rock pool formations, and even a shipwreck.  Since I was living in Melbourne, a three-hour plane ride away, I contacted several tour and resort…

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