Your Next Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprint Theme Is Here!
It’s the 2nd month of our Summer Sprints Stock Photo Challenge – which means it’s time to re-focus and get ready to take 100 new photos for this month’s theme: Connectivity. For this theme, think: Connecting with friends and family members Staying digitally connected in the outdoors Using laptops, phones, and tablets in cafes, at home,…
Starting An Online Store On A Shoestring
When I first started thinking about business—especially about launching my own business—I had a big misconception about what to expect… I thought, to be successful, you have to risk something… or everything. You have to lay it all on the line, whether that means investing your own hard-earned money, or getting a loan and going…
My Fine-Art Import Business Is More Than Just An Income
For years I’ve collected folk art from vacation travel in numerous countries. Friends would ask if/when I’d bring back anything to sell to them. In the far back of my mind was the thought that someday I could own an import store. But since I was heavily involved in other businesses, that store was just…
My Online Business Earns $13K A Month While I Sail The World
I’m Elin Rose, 28-year-old Icelandic sailing enthusiast, ecommerce addict, and Amazon consultant. I sail in the North Atlantic and run my Amazon and eBay business on the mile! I chose this lifestyle because I wanted to escape from a 9-5 job and not have to answer to a boss. Sacrificing 10 years or more to…
Do You Fear Stock Photo Rejection?
I hope that you’re taking and uploading a ton of new shots during our Breakfast Stock Club Summer Sprints stock photo challenges! If you’re scared to submit them… or you’re getting some photos rejected, remember… it happens to everyone. Here’s a note I wrote about rejections back in 2015 that still rings true today… ===========…
Great Escape Radio Episode 117: Writing from Utah to Portugal
“You make your own luck.” – Ernest Hemingway Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk with travel writer, Tricia Pimentel. Lori introduces us to Tricia… “Tricia came to us expecting her journey toward travel writing would be like some of the success stories she had heard from other members. But, like the algorithms of…
How To Transform Old Photos Into Images You Can Sell
I’ve been a photographer for a decade now. During these past 10 years, I’ve accumulated a massive collection of images from all my travels and the various countries I’ve lived in. Of course, not every image is a money shot. What most pros don’t tell you is that over 90% of what I’ve captured ranges…
How To Create Better Photos (Hint: It’s Not Your Camera)
There’s a joke in the photography world that photographers have GAS. No, I’m not talking about what you think. GAS stands for “Gear Acquisition Syndrome”. Since technology is evolving so fast, new cameras, lenses, and every kind of trinket are flooding the market and overwhelming photographers. We feel we need it all and sometimes stick…
How To Create Stunning Images With Post-Processing
Photography is often seen as a way of capturing snippets of life—to document moments and share memories. But it’s more than just that. It’s also a wonderful creative medium with which you can express yourself and show your own vision of the world. What I’ve always loved about photography is how it can help expand…
Using Adobe Lightroom To Create Stunning Images
When I first started photography, I had this false idea that a good photograph is one that comes straight out of the camera, and anything done afterwards in post-processing is cheating. I firmly believed that the greatest photography masters were “purists” and wanted to become like them. Little did I know how much time those…
Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel!
Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.
Sign up today for our free newsletter, The Right Way to Travel, and you’ll learn how to get the most out of every trip – and how to get paid to do it.
Simply enter your name and email address in the form below and you’ll receive your first issue, along with our Three Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel quick-start guide, absolutely free. Inside, you’ll find 3 exciting opportunities for earning extra income while exploring cities around the globe. It’s your first step to a life of fun and freedom.
Fill out the form today and you’ll be one step closer to a new part- or full-time income that can help you realize your travel dreams. And don’t worry – we will never rent, sell or give away your email address for any reason. We’ll see you out there!