How To Write A Listicle – 3 Tips To Get Started
One of the least-romantic (yet most-published) articles out there is the listicle. “’6 Amazing Ski Tours Around the World” – Outside Magazine “100 Best Albums of All Time” — Rolling Stone “100 American towns founded before the Revolution” — USA Today Listicles are basically a list of people, places, and things held together by an…
5 Tips To Find The Right Publication For Your Travel Story
Where should I send my story? It’s one of the top questions I’m asked at travel-writing workshops, during writing retreats, and in feedback sessions with beginning freelance writers. But it’s the wrong question to ask. Instead, I encourage writers to start asking this question of themselves: Where do I want to see my story published?…
Worry Less — Use This Simple Trick To Get More Done
Cows are a little bit skittish. I know this because every time my cousin’s dog goes into the field, the cows run away from him. They don’t like him jumping at their feet. Or maybe they don’t like that he’s so small they can’t see him in the grass. But here’s the difference between cows…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 151: Selling landscape photos
“Life is a gift. Wake up every day and realize that.”—Unknown Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen introduce us to Nigel Danson. Lori met Nigel by phone in the beginning of 2018. “Every year at the start of the year I call 100 people—members of GEP—to see that’s working for them, what’s not working and…
Making A Six-Figure Income As A (Shy) Photographer
I’ve always been on the shy, quiet side. You know, the little girl who hid behind her mother when faced with meeting someone new. I was totally that kid! As I got older, I learned to “act as if,” but deep down, I was still that shy little girl. Growing up a baby boomer in…
Starting A Photography Business Is The Simple Decision To Say “Yes”
My photography business sort of just happened. A few years ago, a friend was chairing an event at our children’s preschool and asked me to bring my camera along. I had always loved photography and had plenty of practice photographing my kids and other little ones. No pressure at all—simply capturing those moments we all…
How DIY Photography Setups Can Earn You $2,000 In One Weekend
When I first started photographing wine bottles, I had no idea what I was doing. I figured I had learned enough about how to shoot decent photos to be able to get great bottle images. False. I was embarrassed by my results, and no amount of post-processing was going to save me. So, I took…
This Single Step Can Help You Improve As A Photographer
I cannot begin to count the number of times someone has approached me and said something like, “You are living my dream” or “Man, you are so lucky.” Although I know they mean well, I want to look them straight in the eye and emphatically tell them, “Luck has nothing to do with it!” Your…
Great Escape Radio: Episode 150: Photography should be fun!
“Just play. Have fun. Enjoy the game.”—Michael Jordan Host, Jody Maberry talks with Great Escape Photographer, Bonnie Caton. Bonnie returns to the show this week to build on her last show where she talked about setting goals. You can listen to that episode here first if you missed it. Jody shares his thoughts on goal-setting……
To Write The Best Blog Posts, Tap Into Your Own Creativity
One of the most common pieces of advice within the blogging industry is to ask your audience what they’d like you to write about… and then write it. But I couldn’t disagree more. Here’s why: Let’s assume you’re a travel blogger who focuses on European destinations. You ask your audience if they’d prefer that you…
Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel!
Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.
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Simply enter your name and email address in the form below and you’ll receive your first issue, along with our Three Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel quick-start guide, absolutely free. Inside, you’ll find 3 exciting opportunities for earning extra income while exploring cities around the globe. It’s your first step to a life of fun and freedom.
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