Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel


5 Unexpected Travel Writing Benefits

There are plenty of reasons to be a travel writer. Obviously it brings more travel to your life. The satisfaction of seeing your byline online and in print and the wealth of experiences that come your way as a writer rank pretty high up on the list, too. 

But over the past 11 years, as…

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How My Life As A Travel Writer Plays Out

It’s a question I get often, “What’s a typical day like for you as a travel writer?” And it’s a question that really doesn’t have an answer. While most jobs have a routine, travel writing doesn’t. Sure there are days when I’m not traveling when I’ll spend hours at my computer writing about my latest…

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Tips on using a tripod to capture better photos...

How To Get Better Photos By Using A Tripod

Have you made friends with your tripod? If not, here are a few reasons why you should… ● Creative possibilities. A tripod opens up opportunities to play with longer exposures. For example, I wouldn’t have been able to take either of these blurred water shots without a tripod: 
The photos above were taken at shutter…

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3 Keys To Better Street Photography

When I first started photography, I was inspired by the street shots of masters like Cartier-Bresson and W. Eugene Smith. I wanted to tell stories of places and capture fleeting moments. But like many beginners, I stuck to shooting easy subjects: Nature, landscapes, and buildings. Landscapes and buildings don’t judge you. You don’t need their…

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