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The Dram Shop – A Northern California Epicurean Delight

By Tonya Hennessey ITWPA Member As you pass under the golden bull, you enter a barroom straight out of California’s Gold Rush. Taxidermy abounds. A huge, rectangular mirror embellishes the majestic wooden bar, throwing off glints of light. The coatrack by the door draws your attention to the curated 19th-century photographs that hang throughout. This…

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48 Hours in Mandalay’s Soul

By Carolina Rocha With a population of roughly 1-million people, Mandalay is the second biggest city in Myanmar. About 70% of the population practices Buddhism. Popular destinations are the Buddhist temples that have survived time’s ravages. There is much more to see in the city and surrounding countryside. “Try my 48-hour experience. It’s how I…

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5 Tips for Effective Instagram Stories

As a travel blogger, there is an array of different promotional tools available to ensure that your content performs well, and Instagram is without a doubt the best place to start. It boasts millions of users eager for wanderlust pictures and travel tales—so there’s an extremely large audience that you can tap into. But with…

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5 Steps to Getting Started in Stock Photography

I attended The Ultimate Photographer’s Workshop in 2019 in St. Louis. Initially, my goals were to add better photographs to my travel articles, but I quickly became interested in stock photography. Here’s how I got started. 1. Choose a stock site and read the contributor terms and conditions. After reading the terms and conditions, begin…

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3 Ways to Earn Money from Photography

Photography started as my hobby and passion. It took me a while to realize that I could make money from my passion, but I eventually turned photography into my main source of income. If you’re interested in taking photography past being your hobby and turn it into an extra (or even main) income stream, then…

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