Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel



Travel in the 21st Century By Roberta Beach Jacobson in Karpathos, Greece Editor Ian MacKenzie (of Vancouver, B.C.) started Brave New Traveler (BNT) — his “daily travel magazine” in October of 2006. Today, BNT publishes a weekly free newsletter too.  Both are a fun read — and free. [Ed. Note: Brave New Traveler is now…

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How to Reach an Editor

You should always submit your story or your query for your story with a well-targeted headline on it. You want it to catch the editor’s eye and show him, immediately, what your article is about. It’s one of the most effective ways to distinguish yourself from the bulk of other writers also submitting material.

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FEATURED PUBLICATION: Connecting: Solo Travel News

Wanted: Veteran Solo Traveler Experiences By Roberta Beach Jacobson in Karpathos, Greece After a year spent on her around-the-world solo journey, editor, Diane Redfern established a solo travel network in 1990.  Connecting: Solo Travel News, a bi-monthly newsletter, is her flagship publication. Subscribers can receive it either in print via the mail or online, in…

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