Correct Over-Exposed Photos in Photoshop
One of the biggest problems travel photographers (and well, all photographers for that matter) face, is lighting. When you’re on an assignment and you have just two days to bring back an article with photographs of a place, you have to deal with whatever light God gives you on those two days. You can get…
How to Correct Over-exposed Photos in Photoshop
One of the biggest problems travel photographers (and well, all photographers for that matter) face, is photo lighting and having to correct over-exposed photos. When you’re on an assignment and you have just two days to bring back an article with photographs of a place, you have to deal with whatever light God gives you…
Don’t Hesitate: Do What I Did and Get Paid For Your Stories
How to beat procrastination and nerves so you can sell your stories. Do what Bonnie does and get paid for your stories.
[EDITOR’S NOTE: Unfortunately this site no longer exists.] Though we’ve covered a wide variety of publications where you can get your first clips published, it’s not often that we talk about places to send already-published stories. Syndicates are a valuable resource to you once you’re a little more established as a writer, offering exposure —…
Photo Tip: Flash tricks for professional-looking pics
The week before last, we looked at light — specifically, at how your camera attempts to evaluate and expose your shots for middle gray. This week, I want to look at another issue of light — that from a flash. Looking at two particular shots from this month’s photo challenge, I can see that the…
Flash Tricks for Professional-Looking Pictures
This article includes some tips and tricks for using flash in your photos.
How to Shoot the #1 Photo Gift
Framed photographs make great gifts for family, friends, and coworkers (just about anyone on your list). They don’t have to take much time to create and they’re a wonderful expression of your love and creativity. Today, I’ll focus on the most popular one — the kind of photo people like most to receive… Pictures of…
2007 Holiday Gift Guide for Travelers, Writers, and Photographers
Here is our 2007 Holiday Gift Guide for Travelers, Writers, and Photographers
Photo Tip: Adjusting Camera Settings for the Best Light in Photos
This article discusses the middle gray setting on your camera, how it affects the light in your photos, and how you can adjust the settings on your camera to fix any over/under-exposure of the subjects of your images.
The St. James Hotel: A Midwest Victorian Treat
If you enjoy staying at historic inns and hotels, but also prefer modern lodging conveniences, the St. James Hotel in Red Wing, Minnesota, will meet your expectations and more. Built in 1875 when Red Wing was known as the “wheat market of the world,” the hotel is a combination of 19th century Victorian décor and…
Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel!
Imagine yourself on the trip of your dreams: a palm-ringed island, the beauty and the history of Paris, the intoxicating allure of the Napa Valley. Now imagine that with only a pen, a camera and a little curiosity, all of these incredible travel destinations are within your reach.
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