Get 3 Fun Ways to Get Paid to Travel


Moms Against Ecuador

Ecuador Photography Workshop Long-time readers of this e-letter know that my Mom isn’t always on board with the idea of me gallivanting across the globe like I do. Our conversations usually go something like this… “I never know where you are until I read your newsletter. Paris… Hong Kong… Dubai… It’s sad that a mother…

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Starting an Import-Export Business

Starting your own import-export business can be fun, exciting… and even lucrative. Your job is simple – shop for the kind of goods that people want, buy them, and then sell them for a profit. Most world travelers know that when you’re shopping in The States, prices on imported goods can be marked up by…

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More Free Stuff without Fluff

We’re making a lot of changes in the Travel Division this year. One change that I already told you about is that we’re branching out from straight “travel-related” opportunities to bring you other, related ones too — more ways you can make life fun and interesting (and get paid for it) — like food writing…

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More free stuff without fluff…

We’re making a lot of changes in the Great Escape Publishing this year. One change that I already told you about is that we’re branching out from straight “travel-related” opportunities to bring you other, related ones too — more ways you can make life fun and interesting (and get paid for it) — like food…

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Wanderlust is a British travel magazine with eight issues per year ( They cover independent and semi-independent travel, as well as special-interest travel. They love local culture angles… and want writers to go soft on adventure.

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