Peru Photography Expedition Alert List

This Spring you can take the trip of a lifetime and explore the sacred valley of Peru

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In Peru this May you can:

  • Learn from a professional photographer the techniques he uses to shoot pictures that sell for $200 – $500 – and even higher…
  • Get hands-on practice applying your new skills while you explore the sacred valley of Peru with a professional photographer by your side…
  • See Peru in a way you never could as a tourist with an insider’s view about where to eat, what to see and what to shoot.
  • Visit the Plaza de Armas in Cusco, experience Machu Picchu and other ancient Incan ruins, enjoy local markets and beautiful cathedrals…
  • And more.

And you’ll do it all while discovering what travel photographers do to create a need for their images … how they can sometimes double or even triple their fees… and how you can enjoy the freedom, independence and travel opportunities that freelance photography delivers…

This workshop will likely start on May 20 and conclude on May 27, 2016. Put your name on the list below to get first details when they’re ready at the end of January. Seats on this trip sold out in less than 72 hours last year. Be sure to get your name on this list and respond quickly.

Peru has everything – remnants of empires past, warm and friendly people, great food, amazing vistas. What better way to see it than with a professional photographer by your side ensuring you get the best photos on your trip and you know how and where to sell them when you return home.

To be one of the first to receive more information about this event, once we confirm a hotel, please enter your name and email address below:

We promise never to share your information with anyone else. These First-Alert lists are only our way of sending more information to those who want it without bothering those who don’t. And we always give the best deal to the first members who respond.