Posted by & filed under Import/Export.

More than half of the world’s billionaires are involved in import/export.

But who wants to open a big store and build a franchise when you can spend just a few hours a month doing everything from home and still make enough to replace your income and travel like a billionaire?

Plus, you can base your business on something you already love to do. Take Caroline Lao, for example.

Caroline and her sister loved creating photo scrapbooks. But store shelves lacked the more creative scrapbooking items they wanted.

So they put their heads together and brainstormed hundreds of things they would like to see in stores. Then they took those ideas and found a way to go directly to suppliers, getting what they wanted… and at much cheaper prices, too.

Caroline had a hunch that they weren’t the only ones looking for more unique items to preserve memories in a fun way. So she started to sell the items she found online.

In her first year, she made just under $100,000. Now, five years later, she brings in well over a million dollars a year in sales.

She makes her own hours. She lives wherever she wants. And she gets to make money with something she already loves.

Billionaires and millionaires aside, you can do this on a much smaller scale and fund your travels by selling items you’re already interested in — golf equipment, cooking utensils, fishing supplies, art materials, exercise equipment, etc.

And it’s much easier today than it was just two years ago. Sites like will do all of the stocking, packaging, selling, and shipping for you.

Reader John H. gave it a try last month and made a quick profit…

“Total time for me was about three hours,” John told us. “It takes a little more than an hour to find and order a product on the special site. Then it takes about an hour to inspect the product when it arrives, load it onto, pack and label it, and drop it off at the UPS store. That’s it.”

At that point, all that’s left is for you to sit back and collect the profits.

The best part about setting up your own little online import business is that you can get started for as little as $50. And you’ll be amazed how quickly you can start earning profit, all for just a few hours here and there. Find out exactly how to cash in big on your first deal with How I Made $2,997 on My Very First Import — yours free when you agree to try Importing Fortunes: How to Create Your Own Internet Goldmine

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