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My background is in computer science.  But when the economy started going bad, I came to realize that I was really “burning out” on the high stress environment of deadlines and problem-solving.  And, while I enjoyed the creative aspect of making well-written software, there’s a limit to how creative you can be.

Meanwhile, I’ve always been a photography enthusiast, taking photos on vacation, at family events, and outings.  Sometimes making a pest of myself getting shots of everyone! So, I decided to go into businesses for myself and follow my passion for photography. Working for myself, doing something I love, didn’t seem like work at all.  I started doing professional photography for a local band. I made posters for them and was seen by local businesses who had me design ads for their stores.  However, I’m an “artist” not a salesman and found it difficult to get photography projects and difficult to “sell myself” to potential clients who might need a photographer. That’s when I talked to a friend who was a graphics designer and used a lot of stock photography in his work. Until then, I’d never heard of stock photos, but he explained how he used them and suggested that my talents lend themselves to stock photography. I was skeptical, at first.  I felt my work was worth more than the small royalty I would earn as a new stock photographer.  And, things did start out slowly for me, because I held back my best stuff. Looking back, I think that was a mistake.  But I just wasn’t sure about the idea of selling a lot of images for a small royalty.  Now that I see it works, I don’t hold back! I’ve come to find that, over time, things will sell and I can make more from a stock photo with many downloads, than I could trying to sell a printed piece individually — and with much less effort. My plan was to do photography projects and rely on stock royalties as a base.  But, by having a large portfolio, over time, I’ve been able to make enough in royalties so that I don’t have to stress out too much about finding other projects. I spend more time thinking about what kind of stock projects might be fun to explore and finding models to play various roles. I’m sure many photographers are focused on how to make more and more money.  But, I’ve had the best luck focusing on what is fun and interesting and creative.  And I think it shows in my work.  I often shoot with a sense of whimsy.  So, it’s more like a chance to go out and play make-believe than going to work on some “project.”  I love it! Here’s one of my earliest uploads.  Just a simple pile of gold coins…                   Today, my style of photography for stock is a little bit “cartoonish,” with exaggerated facial expressions. I like getting dressed up and playing a role. Here’s me as a nature man…                           And here’s me as a pirate…                   [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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