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We received a lot of great entries in Augusts’ Photo Challenge, Patterns Interrupted. Scroll below to see the winning photos… September’s theme is “Life Lessons.” If you’d like to enter you’ll find more details below. Enjoy! –Lori Lori Allen Director, Great Escape Publishing P.S. Lots of this month’s entries could be great stock photos. Patterned photos, pictures of simple objects, and everyday items are some of the best sellers in online stock photo agencies. And if you can learn to take simple pictures like this, you can create a second income stream from the sale of your photos through stock photo websites. ******************* September 8, 2010 The Right Way to Travel ******************* PATTERNS INTERRUPTED — WINNING ENTRIES By Shelly Perry in Portland, OR Last month’s Photo Challenge theme, “Patterns Interrupted,” brought in a lot of variety. Some entries included patterns in nature… still life… and even everyday items we see around us all the time. Looking for these patterns is an excellent photographic exercise that helps you really look closely at what’s before you. In addition, this Challenge encouraged you to frame shots with composition in mind in order to really make those interruptions stand out. There were a number of worthy shots, but unfortunately there can only be three winners. July’s winner, sirandel, was our guest judge this time around. See what he had to say about his first place pick below… ** First Place goes to Carmakat for “Tulips” ** Second Place goes to Thru The Lens for “Soda Cans” ** Third Place goes to deborah_kolb for “Vanilla ? Hmmm… Gotta take Chocolate!!” ** Honorable Mention goes to johnsy for “Girl on a cellphone” FIRST PLACE – TULIPS Patterns Interrupted “My pick for “Patterns Interrupted” would be Tulips by Carmakat. The colors in this photo are rich and brilliant. I like the shallow focus and the flow of this picture that leads you in and stops you right at the white tulip. The lighting looks like an overcast day with great natural lighting. The morning dew on the tulips gives the shot a nice final touch. Well done, Carmakat, great shot!” SECOND PLACE — SODA CANS ”Soda Cans” is a quintessential patterns interrupted shot. It fills the frame completely with the subject, giving us nothing but texture and pattern. With the twist of one can being turned around and the top popped open, the interruption is subtle but stands out loudly in the context of the other cans. I like the consistent framing with the even mid-crop of cans all around the edge. This is the kind of shot that could be seen in an advertisement. THIRD PLACE — VANILLA? HMMM… GOTTA TAKE CHOCOLATE!! This shot makes me hungry. With it, deborah_kolb has once again earned a seat with the Challenge winners. The shallow depth of field works fantastically here to really draw attention to the chocolate desert — the interruption in this case. The angle is strong and deliberate, which also works nicely with a shot like this. I could see this shot used in an article for the restaurant, or on its menus. My only wish here would be to see the very bottom edge of the chocolate glass. It would help it stand out that much more since it would be the only one we see fully. HONORABLE MENTION — GIRL ON A CELLPHONE I find this shot strikingly strong in its diminishing pattern. It makes excellent use of leading lines drawing the viewer right through the photo to the person interrupting the pattern. The colors are an additional plus, as the girl’s swimsuit seems to be fairly close in color to the gray loungers in front, tying the whole work together nicely. The only nitpicky thing here is the barely visible something at the top right corner… I find it a distraction and would want to eliminate it. Congratulations to each of our winners!! The first-place winner will get a $30 gift certificate to the AWAI E-Bookstore, and all winners will be entered into the Hall of Fame, to compete for the $2,000 Grand Prize next month! ENTER TO WIN! Remember, this month’s theme is “Life Lessons.” Submit your photos by 8:00 a.m. EST, Monday, September 27. If you’re a first-time user, you’ll need to register first on the “register” link on the right side bar. Once you have a username and password, click “Enter to Win” to upload your photo. Only one photo per applicant will be considered. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]  

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