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Most businesses have a Facebook page nowadays, be that your local bar, the restaurant around the corner, or the nearby hotel. All of them require constant content for their followers. Content like videos.

This could be the start of your videography business. These videos are very easy to create with a few simple tricks. You simply turn up with your smartphone, film for about an hour, edit the video down to about a minute on your smartphone, add some music and a title, and then you upload the video to Facebook. Finally you share the video on their business page.

Getting these $100 jobs can be very straightforward. First, you will have to create a couple of these videos for free, so you have something to show. For that purpose you simply contact a local bar, restaurant, or hotel, by either phone or email, and then offer them a free one-minute video for their Facebook page. It will be hard to resist the offer of free marketing like that. At most, they might think it’s too good to be true, so you will have to explain that you do this just to get some practice. Once you have shot a couple of these videos, you can create your own Facebook page, showcasing your first one-minute business videos. You then think of a good title for your videography business and you’re ready to get paid for your time.

All you have to do now is send a few emails to local businesses with a link to your sample videos and explain that you can create something just like that for them. Also, you could point out that according to a study by Marketing Land, 62% of people said they were more interested in a product after seeing a video about it in a Facebook Story.

I am pretty certain that within the next two months you will be able to convince at least three local businesses to invest a mere $100 to be able to show their Facebook fans a video about their food, entertainment options, or their rooms. Even local Airbnb hosts could use a video to showcase their guest rooms—an option that is getting more and more popular on the platform.

The possibilities are virtually endless because any business with a webpage or Facebook page will be interested in having a video, and $100 is an investment all of them can afford. Especially when you explain the benefits of having a video to them and that people with smartphones love watching short videos.

It’s that simple and once you have a few business videos under your belt you can start charging $150 and slowly keep increasing your prices until you can make a living or at least create an enjoyable side-income, something that might even finance your next vacation.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Three Fun Ways To Get Paid To TravelA Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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