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Today, I’m sitting on the end of a dock mesmerized at the ripples in the water created by the comfortable breeze. Over my shoulder in the western sky, late summer thunderheads are building and white egrets are shrimping. This setting makes me think of a question I hear often, “How did you get here?” Specifically in regards to my path with videography.

So, here’s a quick trip down my trail and four simple tips to help you get started.

Initially, I was introduced to videography during a photography course. Fortunately, the school recognized how valuable classroom and field time would be with a professional filmmaker.

That introduction to videography changed my life.

Over the next few weeks, I created a few simple videos and surprised a potential client with one promoting their business. They saw the value in video and I realized the potential.

Whether face to face, through photography or videography, telling stories is who I am. Over the last several years, assignments have taken me all over the U.S., places abroad like Turkey, France, Thailand, Tanzania, throughout the Caribbean, and Costa Rica.

With all the opportunities available in videography markets today, it has and continues to create conversations with existing and potential clients like never before.

Whether you want to create stock video clips for online agencies, promotional videos for brands and businesses, love stories with wedding footage, or documentaries about favorite people and places, you can make it happen.

Here are three simple tips to help:

Tip 1. Shoot what you love

Mentors have always encouraged me to shoot what I love. If you love and enjoy the subject matter; you’re more likely to be familiar with it, the necessary locations, and potential models, which will all help you create quality content. This outlook will help you create connections with like-minded folks who can give you more and more opportunities.

Tip 2. Quality over quantity

Make your time and effort count by creating quality footage. Well-composed scenes make a big difference. Keep your scenes free of unnecessary clutter, which could distract the viewer and possibly hinder the overall concept. Unstable and shaky footage should be avoided. The best way to achieve this is with a sturdy tripod and video head. Set up, compose and let the story unfold. You and your viewers will be much happier.

Tip 3. Be a storyteller

Think of telling stories while you’re creating footage. It’s good to create multiple clips of your subject matter from different angles and perspectives. Begin with a wide angle establishing shot, then move in a little closer and don’t forget the real close-ups. The detail shots are always favorites and this overall approach gives you, editors and potential clients a lot of options down the road. Create shots from down low, from eye level, and from above your subject matter as this will also add options for more creativity when editing. Watch out! You may become a filmmaker.

Create for the right reasons and you’ll never call it work. It’s always a good idea to remain open-minded when others give suggestions or feedback. Take it and learn from it. Set goals, plan, and create what you want to create. Most importantly, have fun with the process.

I hope it changes your life too.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can fund your travels and make an extra income with photography, travel writing, blogging, and more in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel. Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Three Fun Ways To Get Paid To TravelA Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

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The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

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