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The Great Escape Publishing office is all a-twitter this morning over the heart-meltingly cute photos Lori just sent of her new baby boy. See below: Bonnie here, still filling in for Lori this week while she’s on maternity leave. Lori’s baby photographer, Stacey Blomstrom, came into her home and set up a simple background by the window, where she used natural light to do all of her shooting. If you like babies and you have a creative eye, photographing newborns is a great niche to get into. You don’t need a studio… you can go right to your client’s home if you want to… and it only takes a few hours per session. You can also create your own studio space and have the babies come to you… After her twins were born, Jolie Molino became addicted to capturing them in her camera. Today, she makes her living photographing other people’s newborn babies in her converted garage. Of course, working with newborns requires some special tricks. Jolie shares some of her tips in our interview with her, below. And stay tuned… tomorrow I’ll share some of Jolie’s favorite newborn photos. INTERVIEW WITH NEWBORN PHOTOGRAPHER JOLIE MOLINO By Bonnie Caton in Portland, Oregon BONNIE: Hi Jolie, can you start by giving us a little background? How did you get into newborn photography? JOLIE: My interest in photography began with landscapes while I was in college. As a graduation gift, my parents gave me my first “nice” camera, which was really just a 35mm point-and-shoot, but I was in love. Once I had my twins, I was hooked on photographing them. This was the first time it even entered my head to become a photographer. But it wasn’t until my last baby was born that I began taking steps toward achieving this dream. This May will mark my fourth year as the owner of Jolie Anne Photography. Two years in, I realized that newborn photography was my true calling and that to really excel at it, I needed to devote more of my time to it. I still photograph children and families because my newborn clients like to stay with me. But, in the next year or so, I will make an announcement that I only take newborn and “Baby’s First Year” sessions. BONNIE: What do you like best about photographing newborns? JOLIE: Oh… I love those sweet lips, plump little fingers, soft moans, baby-soft skin, smiles in their sleep, wrinkled brows, milk comas, sweet cries, how they instantly know mom. I could go on and on. Because I’m confident that I know how newborns work, I give parents confidence in me. They leave with a feeling of contentment and are so excited to see their images. BONNIE: What does someone need to be a good newborn photographer? JOLIE: Patience (with baby and parents) and confidence. BONNIE: What kind of equipment do you need to get into photographing newborns? JOLIE: All I need is a window with great natural light and space to work in. Also, I couldn’t do this without my beanbag, a variety of blankets, and a backdrop stand (to hang my blankets and backdrops from). I’m also known for my use of props, so I keep a good stock on-hand. I prefer to shoot in my studio — our third-car garage that we enclosed and enhanced with some wood floors and a small air-conditioning unit. BONNIE: What’s the most important thing someone should know about photographing a newborn? To be safe, you should always have an assistant. (I don’t like to ask my client, who is paying good money for these images.) You also need to know that newborns hate for their legs and arms to be free. Just Google “startle reflex.” Swaddling is a newborn photographer’s best friend. White noise and heat can work wonders on an awake baby. Don’t be afraid to ask mom if you can hold baby and put them to sleep. Often times, babies smell mom and constantly want to suckle. Speaking of suckling, pacifiers can save the day! Ask mom to bring one to the session if she is open to using them. BONNIE: How do you get creative ideas for your shoots? JOLIE: Sometimes I’m inspired by another photographer. Other times, I may plan ahead, especially if I’m trying to work with a theme (fall, Christmas, etc). And, sometimes, I just see a color combination or idea while I’m photographing the baby. I do try to get a color scheme or idea from the parents before the shoot, or let them pick wraps and props once they come in, and I just go from there. BONNIE: What three tips would you give to someone who’s interested in trying this? JOLIE: Practice, practice, practice. Call all your friends who are pregnant, post on Craigslist or Facebook, and get those newborns in your arms and in front of the camera and develop the patience you’ll need to photograph babies. [Editor’s Note: Learn more about how you can turn your pictures into cash in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.  Sign up here today and we’ll send you a new report, Selling Photos for Cash: A Quick-Start Guide, completely FREE.]

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5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

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Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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