Posted by & filed under Podcast, Travel Blogging, Travel Writing.

“Every secret of a writer’s soul, every experience of his life, every quality of his mind, is written large in his works.”— Virginia Woolf

Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen bring Connie Pearson to the show.

Lori introduces us to Connie…

“Connie is this sweet Alabama Christian grandmother that has not only had several travel articles published in a variety of outlets, she also has her own blog.”

Jody talks with Connie about her blog and how it started.

“I started blogging in earnest in May 2015 a few months before I attended the Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop in Denver. I had used the Great Escape Publishing blogging program by Paula Pant to get started.”

It’s a program that Connie highly recommends as it helped her set up her blog and taught her how to manage it.

After Connie began pitching travel articles to various outlets, she began to realize how important her blog is in the process.

Listen in as Connie shares the ways her blog has enhanced her travel writing career. She also shares why she loves blogging and having the opportunity to let her personality shine through her words as she shares inspiration with her readers.

If you’re interested in exploring blogging, visit where you’ll find more details about our program on creating your own money-making blog.

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