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“You make your own luck.” – Ernest Hemingway

Host, Jody Maberry and Director, Lori Allen talk with travel writer, Tricia Pimentel.

Lori introduces us to Tricia…

“Tricia came to us expecting her journey toward travel writing would be like some of the success stories she had heard from other members. But, like the algorithms of the birds that take one step toward the flock and one step out on their own…Tricia found her journey to be one of stepping out on her own.”

Tricia shares her story…

“I started my writing career with a blog where I posted stories from my travels with my husband.”

Tricia had no idea where that blog and her love for travel and writing would lead her.

“My husband and I had sold our house outside of Park City, Utah and were touring the Pacific Northwest and the National Parks when we decided to go to San Francisco.”

Tricia’s husband had read about the Ultimate Travel Writers’ Workshop in International Living—which he had subscribed to for many years.

“We needed to go to San Francisco to get our documentation in order for the move to Portugal, so it made sense for me to attend the workshop while I was there.”

Tricia’s intent was to learn more about how to improve the writing on her blog, but she found much more. The workshop opened the door for her to write for International Living and now she is a regular contributor as an expat living in Portugal.

Listen in as Tricia shares more about how she landed the International Living gig, what she loves about Portugal and what advice she has for others interested in travel writing.

The best place to get started is by attending a live event. To sign up for the upcoming Ultimate Travel Writers’ Workshop in Austin, Texas this September at If you can’t attend, check out the blogging program at

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Travel Writing Resources

How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way

Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer

Marketing For Travel Writers: 5 Ways To Get Started

22 Travel Story Ideas To Get You Published

10 Reasons To Become A Travel Writer

5 Tips to Get Started Travel Writing From Home

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