Brookings after processing

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Ugh, has this ever happened to you…

You’re in a moment that is beyond spectacular. Your heart is in love with the light and the beautiful scene in front of you so you raise your camera to your eye, snap a picture, then look at the back of the screen and all you see is gray.


This happens to photographers all the time. Which is why we use Lightroom to fix photos and turn those dull, gray snaps into what we really saw with our eyes.

Like this sunrise photo from Tanzania that I swear…

Tanzania before processing

… looked more like this to the naked eye:

Tanzania after processing

Same with those photos where our eyes can see details in the shadows but our camera doesn’t seem to capture it…

Brookings before processing

Voila! Like magic, Lightroom helps you bring it all back and really make your images extraordinary…

Brookings after processing

To make money with your photos, they need to stand out… to have bright colors and good contrast. And you can get that gorgeous, “finished” look in your shots in just a few minutes using Lightroom.

My three favorite Lightroom tools for adding “pop” to your images are: Contrast, Clarity, and Vibrance:

Llightroom sliders

Just add a little of each, and voila! You can make your image stand out in under a minute.

Lightroom is full of all kinds of magic, but sometimes it’s the simplest tricks that make the biggest difference in your photos… taking them from everyday snapshots to professional photos you can sell.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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