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“There are stories that need to be told. People need to get out there and tell the stories in a way that compels people to take action.” – Joe Sindorf

Great Escape Radio host, Jody Maberry, and Director, Lori Allen, bring Joe Sindorf back to GEP radio and he’s definitely back by popular demand.

Joe Sindorf is an international humanitarian filmmaker who has worked in more than seventy-five countries around the world. He goes into the places where people are suffering: victims of tornados, tsunamis, social injustices, and other tragedies.

His still photographs have been published in National Geographic Traveler, Outside, American Photo, World and Professional Photographer among others. His video work has won international film festivals, the NATAS Emmy Award, the George Foster Peabody Award (commonly referred to as the Pulitzer Prize for Television) and others (You can learn  more about Joe and listen to his previous podcast here.)

Last time Joe was on Great Escape Radio he was heading to the Middle East. He’s still making those trips and continuing to work with NGOs who serve refugees.

Joe has seen the worst of humanity. If there is a natural disaster, he’s been there. And it’s not just natural disasters but also man-made disasters: slavery, human trafficking, and so many other horrific situations.

“I typically see people at their worst: natural disasters, hurricanes, tornados, tsunamis or whatever. Or it may be due to human neglect, slavery, human trafficking, other injustices. I go on behalf of a NGO or charity to document what life is like in those places,” explains Joe.

Joe doesn’t want to just take pretty pictures or pictures that make people cry or tell entertaining stories. His goal is to make a difference, to put an end to poverty, human suffering, and injustices.

He has traveled the world’s most dangerous road, had a gun held to his head more than once, and he’s been abducted. For him, it’s worth it if his photographs and videos can help bring an end to human suffering.

Joe shares several deeply personal stories about his experiences over the years and how what he has experienced and seen has affected him personally.

His stories are riveting and also inspiring for the difference he is making in the world.

This is Joe’s vocation. Photography and video allows him to make a living– he’s thankful that he gets paid, but he’s not doing it just for the money. He’s doing it to try to make a difference in the world—to give a voice to people who are voiceless. He shares his thoughts on how others can develop their skills in photography and video to make a difference in the world.

For more information on breaking into photography visit

Or for information on breaking into videos visit

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