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“Mom, can Lloyd come for dinner?”

“Who’s Lloyd?”

“He’s my friend. He’s two years old but he has the strength of a 7 year old. He likes to borrow my clothes. I met him at Jedi School. After bed, I fly out my window and meet him in the parking lot. You could come, too, but there’s no more room to park. All the spots are taken by spacecraft. He hates the color blue and prefers only red. He eats red.  That’s his food. Shhhh. Did you hear that?”


“That’s Lloyd. He’s coming with us to Mexico but I told him he can’t keep making all that noise. It really annoys me.”

“Why don’t you just put him in your suitcase?”

“Uhhhhh, Mommmm. He’s WAY too big for that! And I told you, he can fly. He also has portals. I’m not exactly sure what a portal is but he has one. And if he gets on a plane, he’ll annoy everyone with his noises. It’s best if he just meets us there.”

That’s my 7 year old.

She’s always daydreaming, storytelling, and imagining.

A bunch of studies I found suggest that daydreaming can actually help your creativity, increase your happiness, and make you be more productive at work.

So try this: Flip through any magazine of choice, pick a photo, and imagine yourself there. Tear the page out and clip it to your computer. Daydream about going. Check the flight prices and imagine what you’d do there.

If you’re a travel writer, book the trip.

Just don’t bring Lloyd. He’s really annoying.

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