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For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit:  

“We travel not to escape life, but for life not to escape us.” – Anonymous

In this episode, Great Escape Publishing Director, Lori Allen highlights the benefits of travel.

She says, “I learn more about myself when I’m in travel situations than I do in practically any other time in my life. I meet new people, see new things, try new foods, and find more time to read.”

Travel is a great way to make time slow down.

Travel can be challenging, but it offers many benefits…

…Handling the challenges of travel help you find yourself and grow as a person

…Traveling brings more experiences into your life

The programs offered by us teach people how to experience a destination in a completely different way than a typical tourist. Everything taught in our programs comes from people who are living, working, and having a lot of experience in those fields as travel writers or photographers. Lori is a conduit for those professionals.

“When you’re documenting your travels as a travel writer or a photographer you’ll discover things and have moments where you will feel lucky to be alive and blessed to be in your own skin,” explains Lori. “You’ll know what a place smells like, you’ll taste the air – that doesn’t really happen when you travel as a typical tourist. You appreciate a destination so much more.”

For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit:  

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