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For more on how you can get started with photography today, visit: /start/photography.

“I knew I wanted to do something creative.” –Cheryl Bigman

Cheryl Bigman was going through a transition when she found us. She was going through a divorce, her daughter was growing up and she was ready to reinvent herself.

And as long as she was reinventing herself, she wanted a career change too. She was tired of standard desk jobs – she wanted to do something creative.

Then she saw an ad for our Photography Workshop in Paris and decided to check it out.

At our Photography Workshops, attendees get the chance to learn how to take great photos, they practice every day to learn what they’re doing right or wrong and there is always someone to help you with your camera and give you feed back.

Cheryl signed up for our workshop, hopped on a plane to Paris and changed her life.

You can hear about her photographic journey on this episode of Great Escape Radio…

You’ll learn that today she has a very successful photography business, specializing in portraits. Her top tips for doing portrait photos are…

…Take photos that make you feel something

…Don’t just photograph the posed shots, keep your camera in hand and shoot the candid moments – that’s where the emotions come through

…When photographing events, look around the room and capture emotions in the group

If you think you want to try a career in photography, Cheryl offers this advice…

  1. Find your passion… the thing you love to shoot.
  2. Figure out how much money you need or want to make.
  3. Find a mentor in your niche.
  4. Do. It.

For more on how you can get started with photography today, visit: /start/photography.

Listen to a new podcast every Sunday in iTunes by subscribing for free here.

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