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For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit:  

“The world is out there waiting for you…just go grab it.” – Theresa St. John

Today on Great Escape Radio, Lori Allen introduces us to Theresa St. John… a true success story in both travel writing and photography.

Like many people, Theresa made it to her 50s without really knowing her true talent. Her sisters had each found their niche, but she just couldn’t quite figure out hers.

Then she attended the 2013 Ultimate Travel Writing Workshop in Boston, Massachusetts.   During the workshop, the instructors gave the attendees instructions on ways to find stories and sell them to editors. As part of the class, everyone was sent out into the city to look for a story.

Theresa headed out into the Boston neighborhoods in search of a good story idea. She’s a big fan of coffee, so she made a stop at a local coffee shop. By asking a few questions she uncovered a story. She made some notes, took a few photos, then wrote an article.

Teresa pitched the article to an editor.

The editor responded: “I like what you wrote and I want to publish it.”

That fueled Theresa to get started.

Next, she attended a photography workshop to learn to take better photos. And the combination of travel writing and photography have changed Theresa’s life.

You can hear her full story on this episode of Great Escape Radio.

Her tips for getting started with travel writing are…

***Take the Great Escape Publishing workshops to get the tools you need – it’s easier than figuring everything out by yourself.

***Do a Google search for your hometown to find local publications where you can pitch your story ideas.

***Contact your local Chamber of Commerce and/or your local tourism board and offer to write about local attractions.

***Use the bylines you earn locally to pitch to publications outside your area.

***Write to places you’re visiting and get passes for attractions then pitch those story ideas to publications.

Theresa has also been successful in stock photography and currently has about 10,500 photos on stock photography sites.

She has this to say about her new life as a travel writer and photographer…

“It’s all about quality of life. If all you do is go to work and go home day in and day out, there’s no quality of life. Travel writing and photography has opened up the world to me. I truly feel like the world is my oyster.”

Theresa credits us with giving her a way to reconnect with her childhood hobbies of photography and writing and she really believes you can do it too.

“Everyone has a story. Follow your heart and your dreams. If I can do this at 57, you can too. Put in the work and you can make it happen.”

For more about how you can get started with travel writing today, visit:  

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