Margot Bigg

Posted by & filed under Travel Writing.

When I started out travel writing, I was singularly focused on seeing my work in print magazines. 

The online space had opened up at the time, but there were few online outlets with the same credibility and popularity as the “traditional media.” 

Margot Bigg
Photo: Rajat Deep Rana

Today all that has changed, and plenty of long-established magazines—Transitions Abroad and Budget Travel come to mind—have completely migrated to the online space, while a host of new publications have started up and gained success without ever coming out with a print product. 

While media websites are making significant gains in the world of travel writing, most are still operating much like the traditional publications (at least from an editorial perspective). 

And while writing for traditional publications can be profitable, I’ve found that the best way to make a living as a full-time freelance travel writer is to wear lots of hats. Whether you’re looking to get into travel writing or diversify your income stream, here are a few potential travel writing markets you may not have considered.


From last-minute hotel booking apps to travel planning software, where there’s an app, there’s a need for content. Keep an eye out for new apps coming out—scouring tech news sites is a good way to get info. 

Apps often contract freelancers to provide local content, so don’t be afraid to reach out and introduce yourself, even if you live on the opposite side of the country (or the world). 

Travel agencies

Travel agencies need to entice people to come to their destinations, go on their tours, and purchase their products. And what better way to engage an audience than through quality content, i.e., great travel stories and photography. 

If you’ve just got back from a fabulous trip and are itching to write about a destination, reach out to agencies and let them know. 

While you may end up writing more general content than telling personal stories, you’ll get to share your experiences with a large readership and can make a pretty penny in the process. 

Your local tourism board

I always encourage writers to write about what they know and are passionate about, and chances are, you know the place that you call home pretty well. 

It never hurts to send an intro to your local tourism board and see if they need custom content—you might end up with a plum assignment! Even if they don’t need help right away, you can still ask to be added to their media mailing list for press releases and media events.

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