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Our members are seeing real results from their stock photos. Check out the stories behind some of their recent best-selling stock photos:

From Theresa St John: “I had no idea this photo would sell so well between all the stock sites. Truthfully, I believe the old wood background helped.”

Bowl of fresh,sweet blackberries on old gray wood. ** Note: Soft Focus at 100%, best at smaller sizes

Royalties and fine art sales have totaled nearly $600 from this photo so far.

From Amy Muschik: “This is one of my best selling stock photos at this time of year. I took it early on when I was first starting. My husband was slightly annoyed that I wanted him to pause in his work so that I could get the shot. When I uploaded it, he laughed and shook his head at me, because he could see no reason anyone would want a picture of that. He has changed his tune now, since I have sold it over a hundred times and recently saw it on Bob Vila’s website.”

best-selling stock photos

And here’s one more from Amy. This photo was taken at a Great Escape Publishing pet photography workshop. So far, it’s made $800 in royalties.


From Lisa Top: “I was just running around the house taking pictures of oddities (gopher mounds, termite droppings, dry rot) anything pesty on the house. I figured insurance and pest control companies like stuff like that.

“Next thing I know, this photo I took of termite droppings is my best-seller on iStock:


“The next time the termite guy came to the house I followed him with my camera and he pointed out a bunch of places in the roof and basement where the termites were. He even found a bee hive. I’ll upload the photo I took of that soon, too.

“I made a joke to the termite guy… ‘This house’s demise will be my paycheck.’” 

From Valerie Haas: “Because I haven’t seen many images of Cornhole boards on stock sites, I had a feeling this would sell. Little did I know it would sell seven times in the first couple of weeks! This one is definitely my bestseller in 2015, and it has only been up since August!”

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From Kim Nelson: “This has been my best-seller so far. I took it as part of my homework for a photo composition class. I had no idea it would sell so well.”

Barbell with black and red weight plates

From Stri Der: “I took a few quick photos one day at a local coffee shop by setting my camera on the counter as I enjoyed my drink. I figured this one might get some sales, and I think it sold the first day it went online. This has become one of my best sellers.”

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These readers are all making sales from photos that were simply taken during their day-to-day life. There’s no reason why you can’t do the same.

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera

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