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Studies show that people who travel enjoy a multitude of benefits to their well-being.

Traveling – even just an annual vacation – can help lower blood pressure making it less likely to die from heart disease. Traveling can recharge your batteries, and depending on the destination, can provide Vitamin D via sunlight which is vital for healthy bones, keeps the immune system working, and can also be beneficial to mood-enhancement.

Traveling is fun! Did you know that play is not just for children? Play may be just as important as sleep, and a factor in happiness, balance, and success.

Also, when you travel, you tend to be more active than in your daily life back home—you’re on our feet exploring your new surroundings and maybe trying some new activities. All this action can help you maintain a smaller waistline. Do you know of a woman (or man for that matter) who wouldn’t appreciate that benefit? Me either.

I’ve convinced you to travel more, haven’t I?

So this brings us to the million dollar question… how will you pay for all this travel? For me, the obvious answer was to become a travel writer.

Since jumping into travel writing with both feet a few years ago, I’ve traveled throughout the United States, numerous countries abroad, and some of the most gorgeous tropical islands in the world.

And you can, too. Here’s how to get started doing the best job in the world and enjoying all those travel writing benefits…

  1. Take a course in travel writing, either in person or online. The experts will give you step-by-step guidance on what you need to do. Great Escapes Publishing offers these courses, and after attending their 3-day seminar in Chicago in 2011, I was off and running. It was literally a springboard into a new career as a travel writer. The course is called The Ultimate Travel Writer’s Workshop. It’s held in late summer in a U.S. city. But you needn’t wait until next year to get the information – you can take their online course and do it at your own pace.
  1. Join a travel writer’s membership organization. I’ve been a member of the International Travel Writers and Photographers Alliance for several years and find it invaluable. I get emails with writing tips from nationally-known editors, notifications about upcoming press trips, technology tips, and more. It’s a way to continually hone my craft and keep up with industry standards.
  1. Just do it! I decided I WAS going to be a travel writer and there was no talking me out of it. It was the only way I would be able to afford to travel as much as I liked. I wrote my first story about Belize, sent it off to International Living (hey, go big or go home!) and BAM! They actually accepted that story… and several others since.

In less than five years, my byline has appeared more than 100 times in over 30 publications.

And I’ve never felt better, happier, or more productive in my life!

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Travel Writing Resources

How To Become A Travel Writer – The Easy Way

Easy Steps To Landing Your First Byline As A Travel Writer

Marketing For Travel Writers: 5 Ways To Get Started

22 Travel Story Ideas To Get You Published

10 Reasons To Become A Travel Writer

5 Tips to Get Started Travel Writing From Home

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