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Would you be interested in investing $199 to make $115,000? 

That’s what Jeff and Mandy Rose made last year. 

To most people they  may seem like an ordinary couple…

Jeff works in finance. Mandy stays at home with their three adorable sons. 

They go to church, bake gluten-free pizzas, and throw children’s birthday parties. 

But, here’s the thing that sets them apart from most other couples…

The Roses like to blog. 

They share their experiences online every day on topics that range from personal finance to toilet training. 

And, they do it all in a highly entertaining way that turns these simple anecdotes from their daily lives into a six-figure income. 

As I mentioned, last year, this blogging power couple made $115,000 in income. 

If you’ve ever thought about making some extra cash on the side — or switching to a career that matches your interests and might actually allow you to have some fun on the job — then blogging may be your best route. 

Topics can be anything from sugarcraft to cult movies, baseball to home decorating, traveling by yourself or traveling with kids in tow — whatever matters to you. And, if you’re already working to make money with travel writing or photography, a blog is something that can fit right in with those pursuits — adding another healthy dose of cash.

And the cool thing is, anybody can blog. But most people don’t know how — or even realize it’s possible — but it’s true. 

That’s why I’d like to make blogging our focus this week. I know a lot of folks, just like the Roses, making a living this way. And, over the next few days, you’ll hear their stories…along with some more insights on blogging… so, you, too, can find out how to turn even the dullest moment of your day into cash…

Stay tuned for another blogging success story tomorrow…

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