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By Roberta Beach Jacobson, in Karpathos, Greece is a brand-new webzine project in need of entertaining travel articles of 400 to 800 words.

More specifically, the editors are looking for educational destination pieces about places families would enjoy.

Query editor Shannon Hurst Lane ( and she’ll explain she wants a mention of how your proposed article is educational.

Be sure to take a few minutes to read through some of the articles archived on the website to get a more concrete sense for the subject matter the editors prefer.  For example, currently there’s a piece on the World of Beatrix Potter in England’s Lake District (where, among other offerings, children can have their pictures taken in Ms. Tiggie Winkle’s kitchen). And there’s an article on the Wallace Collection in London as well (where, in addition to a grand collection of canvasses, there’s lots of armor…and kids can try it on).

The message here? Think about a destination near you — or one to which you’ve traveled — where children can enjoy some interactive activities and learn a little something, too.

Ms. Lane, the editor, will also accept completed submissions, if you prefer to submit a finished article.  Contact for writer’s guidelines.

Gifted Travel buys first worldwide electronic rights and pays a flat fee of $25 for articles. (Lane hopes to be able to pay writers a higher rate in the future.)

Tip: She will take reprints, so if you have a relevant piece in your portfolio, be sure to send it along. This is a place where an article could do double-duty for you.

Photos are not required, but you should mention if you have any available as they are desirable even if not necessary.

Gifted Travel plans to archive all articles, though the e-zine is just getting started and they’ve only published a few articles so far.

That said, the e-zine looks great and so can be a very professional clip for your portfolio. Another perk is that they list contributors and will link to your personal or business website.

[Editor’s Note: Learn more about opportunities to profit from your travels (and even from your own home) in our free online newsletter The Right Way to Travel.]

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