Posted by & filed under Travel Photography, Travel Videography.

Oh. My. Goodness. Michael Taliaferro is an interesting photographer.  He likes taking pictures just like us.  But that’s not how he makes his money. With his photo booth business opportunity, he’s not the photographer.  You are!! He sets up photo booths at weddings and special events and guests use a foot pedal to snap the photos. 

It’s an interesting twist that earns him as much as $1,200 a night. And one client leads to another, he told us.  All his business comes from word of mouth.  He doesn’t advertise or market himself.  And his business keeps growing and growing. Take a look at the images below from our cocktail party on the first night here in Santa Fe. All I can say is… give our attendees a margarita and a cowboy hat, and something magical happens…

Photo booth business photographsPhoto booth business examplePhoto booth business samplephoto booth business opportunityPhoto booth business sample photographsSample Photo booth business photograph

As always, our main goal is first and foremost for everyone to have fun, with camera in hand. And I think these photos prove that that was accomplished, even on the first day. But what about you? What’s fun for you? If travel is fun for you, then selling photos from your trips only makes sense.  And if you haven’t sold your first photo yet, then now’s the time to start.

Here’s what some of our attendees had to say on our Facebook page and in the workshop evaluations they handed in today… About the workshop in general… “Definitely a wonderful, fun workshop! Who knew there were so many options and niches?!? Can’t wait to put info into action!” — Dawn Bauman “It was a life changing experience! Thank you for reigniting my passion!” — Kirsten Sigurdson “What a fantastic four days this has been for me!! Thank you Lori Allen and team for a first class event.” – Gina Rosen “Awesome experience! I’ll miss you.  It feels nice like a family. I liked everything: the workshop, the people, and Santa Fe! This was a life-changing experience! Bless you all!” — Madelyn Ortiz

And on the specific markets included in it… “I was surprised by Bonnie’s headshots presentation, and how easy it was to earn money with relatively little effort, as it looks like such fun!” – Elizabeth Coughlan “I am definitely setting up a photo booth for my girl scouts!  I am going to practice portraits and night photography.  Actually can’t wait to try it all!” – Golden Downing “I’ve always liked helicopters and small planes so seeing the possibilities of aerial photography got me thinking… I also like the idea of using a little drone.” –Shirley Anne

“I am excited about the video market and will try to incorporate that into “my plan”.  It’s obviously very lucrative.” –Lynn Micheals “This workshop opened my eyes to so many new ideas… with comprehensive descriptions of how to begin and follow through.”  –Heidi Sherman … and at the end of the day today, Bonnie gave us a 10-day Start NOW plan… and each and every attendee walked away with a guide: How to Earn Back Your Workshop Fee in 90 Days or Less. You can sign up to receive first notification of the details for next year’s Ultimate Money-Making Photo Workshop (and all of our other events) at our Workshop Alert Page here. Share on Facebook

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Travel Photography Resources

5 Dos and 2 Don’ts for Travel Photography

Take Great Photos And Get Paid More For Your Travel Articles

Turning a Photography Hobby into a Monthly Income

The Pros Of Selling Your Images As Stock Photography

16 Mobile Photography Tips And Tricks Every Photographer Should Know

Camera Buying Guide: How to Buy the Right Camera